Saturday, July 15, 2006

Why India will never equal China or even come close to it

The more I think about it the more it has become apparent that India will never ever come close to China has become. There are several reasons why and lets start with population. China and Inida have crossed the 1 Billion mark in poplulation long time back but along with it comes problems. Maybe an analagy will help in making the problems apparent. Let us say you are running a restaurant which is turning in tremendous profits and it gets you know what I want to start another and another and another etc. You can maybe have 3 restaurants that will have good quality but after that you cannot maintain the same quality. So you decide to Franchise or take in business partners...what is the gaurantee that the franchisee will have the same vision and maintain quality. Well it is a problem but not that big a problem as all Franchisees or parters are doing the same business at least. This is China. 1 party, 1 person, multiple franchisees or partners.

Just imagine if Burger King, Kinkos, Jiffy Lube and Matrix Cleaners decide to combine business and Franchise it. Multiply this with 1/4 th of the popluation speaking English, 1/4th Spanish, 1/4th Hindi and 1/4th Mandrin. Lets not stop there of these 1/3 are Christians, 1/3 Hindus and 1/3 Muslims with no group speaking the same language. This is India.

US wants to keep India as a check for China, Pakistan as a check for India..well they know Pakistan will not go anywhere so...lets not worry about a check for them ;)

War, religion, caste, language, and coaliton govt will ensure that India will NEVER succeed. Maybe this is the reason China does not look at India as a competitor these days.


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